Aurora: (630) 906-1200 |   Naperville: (630) 499-6300 |   Español: (630) 229-8499 | If we don't answer, we'll return your call within 24hrs
If we don't answer, we'll return your call within 24hrs

Call for a free phone consultation!

If we don't answer we'll call you back within 24-hours. Call Now
For information about DUI programming contact Shelley Simmons at:
DUI/ License Reinstatement Inquiries:

For information about all other programming contact Steve Fiorito at:
All Other Program Inquiries:


Licencia del programa de DASA, Conveniente, Precio razonable. Especializando en DUI y Temas Relacionados en el Abuso de drogas. Ayuda confidencial para las personas con problemas del alcohol y drogas, y sus familias.

For information about Spanish services contact Sixto Garcia at: (630)229-8499


Tools For Life Counseling Aurora

35 S Stolp Ave #1
Aurora, IL 60506


Monday: Appointment Only
Tuesday:  Appointment Only
Wednesday: 9:30am to 2:30pm and 5:30pm to 8:30pm  Thursday: 11:00am to 2:30pm and 5:30pm to 8:30pm.       Friday: Appointment Only.        Saturday: 9:30am to 3:30pm. Sunday: Closed

Tools For Life Mission

Tools For Life is an innovative, creative, and dynamic organization who seeks to partner with their clients in improving their situations and their lives. We are dedicated to providing a diverse population with a wide range of quality and individualized counseling services. In doing so, our goal is to help, inspire, motivate, and empower our clients to make true progress, achieve their goals and reach their full potential while becoming productive, contributing, members of the community.